Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Garden Update

Took a look at the garden today and it's doing quite well.  My husband roto-tilled the rest of it for Mother's Day for me so this week, I'll be putting in a few more tomatoes, watermelon and cantelope.  There will be a place for winter squash and pumpkins a little later on. 

My tomatoes are doing so well this year, already have a few a big as my pinkies!  This always makes me nervous though.  A good looking garden seems to be an invitation for the weather to try it's hardest to ruin it.  High winds, heavy rains and the dreaded hail in Oklahoma will take a beautiful garden and reduce it to broken stems in a few short minutes.  I always think about the early homesteaders who relied on those gardens for winter food.  What a heartbreak to see all those crops ruined by a minute of hail. 

Oh, the life of a farmer.  So dependant on the weather for their livelihood!  I wouldn't make a very good one because I'm not much of a gambler and I think you have to have the soul of a gambler to make a good farmer.  That and a lot of prayer! 

I'll be picking my first big crop of lettuce and spinach this week.  I'm thinking a good mess of wilted lettuce will begin my garden season.

Wilted Lettuce : this is neither low calorie or low fat but it is sure good!

A large dishpan full of mixed greens, washed and salted and peppered. Slice several radishes and green onions thin and add to the salad
Fry several pieces of bacon and keep the fat in the skillet.
Pat the bacon dry and let it get crisp. 
In the skillet with the bacon grease add about 1/4 cup cider vinegar.  Heat up until steaming.  Pour over the greens and add the bacon.  Mix thoughly.
Eat immediately!

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