Saturday, August 20, 2011

Try, try!

Well, we got some rain last week. First time in over a month and now they are finally going to take us off the burn ban! We also, for the first time in a long time, went for a few days without going over 100 degrees!  I was so happy to see clouds!

I've had nothing much in the garden this was too hot to set tomato fruit or anything else so I had just a few piddly tomatoes, a few cucumbers, no peppers and not much else. We certainly would be hungry if the family was relying on my garden!  I have had enough okra and eggplant to do a batch about once a week....nothing to write home about this year!

Fall is going to be better...I keep telling myself that.  Ok, I'm an Oklahoma State fan, we're used to looking forward to a better 'next' season!  I went out today and replanted cucumbers and swiss chard...still too hot to plant spinach, lettuce or turnips.  I also planted some little gourds, maybe I'll have some for Halloween and Thanksgiving...

That's the thing about gardens, if you fail one season, there is always another season right around the corner! 

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