Friday, October 15, 2010

Been a while!

I know it's been a while since I've posted.  I've just been busy, busy, busy!  Our building project is moving along.  We have now lost the useage of the garage, the floor has been raised, and we no longer have a driveway platform.  Hopefully, we'll have a foundation for the new garage by next week.

The kids are so excited but it will entail a lot of packing up and moving around.  But with that, they know that eventually they will get bigger rooms and closets and some new furniture.  It's kind of nice to be doing it right now because they are beginning to outgrow many of the toys/books/furniture that carried them through childhood.  These new rooms will be decorated to transition them into young adults.  Makes me a bit sad though. 

I stay busy with my new job, which I enjoy, and running all over the town carrying two young people to whatever event is going on that night.  I have resorted to my cell phone alarms to remind me what day is what.  I was driving myself crazy trying to keep it all straight.  Wednesday night, my alarm went off about 4:30pm and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on!  My son had entered in a reminder to get him to youth group early to practice.  Thank heavens he had entered it! I had already forgotten.

I'm picking pears off the tree now and storing them in the fridge until they become ripe enough to process.  This particular tree isn't the best for eating out of hand but is good for cooking.  I'll probably cut them up and freeze them for cakes and breads this winter. 

I just planted my lettuce, spinach and turnips for fall.  I'll put my glass window over the lettuce and spinach when it starts getting cold.  I should have lettuce and spinach until early December using this method.  I'm hoping my turnips will give me greens and then a few to cook and eat.  I'm the only one who likes them at my house so there is no point in putting up a lot.

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