Sunday, March 28, 2010

Garden Update

Just a little update on the vegetable garden. Lettuce and spinach is up and doing great! My purple carrots are beginning to peak through the soil. Not seeing my beets yet but I'm thinking it will be a few more days! My husband and son got my first trellis up because my sugar snap peas are about two inches tall so soon I'll be training them up the strings. We're already eating green onions! They just taste so good in the spring!

I have one tomato plant in a wall-o-water which is a plastic tube filled with water. It's supposed to keep the plant warmer at night thus helping the plant grow faster. I've never had much luck but this year, since I'm not working full-time, I'm trying it out again. I've got a few more of them so this week, I'm going to put in three more plants in them. A red cherry, and two different of the Boy tomatoes, Better Boy and Super Boy. I'll let you know how they do compared to the normal plantings.

I took a risk and planted some pole beans and cucumbers this weekend. They can not take cold weather so in Oklahoma, planting these this early is a risk. Last weekend, we had snow!

I'm hoping this week, with weather expected in the seventy and eighties and plenty of sunshine, I'm hoping to get back outside and do some more planting. I can't wait to start eating more of my bounty!

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