Friday, March 12, 2010

Glorious Spring Break!

Today is the last day before spring break. My son and I are taking a half day off of school because he needs to pack for his mission trip tomorrow. He has finished his finals for homeschool and is looking forward to some time away from mom, dad and sister to hang with the big kids. I wonder how many texts and phone calls I get this next week!

I have often wondered if students realize just how excited that teachers get over the prospect of spring break week! Most teachers I know don't jump on a plane or get in a car and head out of town, most can't afford to! Teachers don't get paid enough to do that! Most teachers look forward to no lesson plans, no spring fevered students, getting to sleep in and getting to the house cleaning that has been put off since Christmas!

The majority of Americans do not realize just how hectic teaching really is on teachers. I used to say the school year is like running the mile in track. By the last lap, you are so tired but know you have to keep running. Your room is completely dismantled, looking nothing like that happy, clean and ordered classroom of August. Your getting ready to test the students using a test you didn't create. You can see the finish line of May but you have to get through one more nine weeks!

I have a friend who used to listen to me gripe about teaching problems. I could tell she didn't really get it but I needed to gripe anyway. Several years ago, she went back to school and got her teaching degree. Her first day in the classroom, she called me in tears saying, 'how do you do it day after day?' She apoligized to me after her first year because she never really got what I was saying until she did it. She's well on her way to being a great teacher but that first year she wasn't sure she would make it out alive!

I think one reason most teachers feel this way is because they care so much about our children and their futures. I still get emails, texts, letters, phone calls, facebook friends and such from former students. I still care about them and their futures. I will always care about them. I think that is why teachers get so tired, we care so much for so many that sometimes we just need a break. A break to re-energize ourselves, to find ourselves, to be taught instead of teaching and let our caring so much have a break.

Spring break, I think it may be more so the teachers can finish that last lap, just don't tell the students!

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